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  First plane landing, Redwood City airfield.

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Caption:   Spectators watch the first plane land at the Redwood City airfield (1915). A flight school was started in early 1916 by aviator Silas Christofferson. Frank Bryant purchased the business in 1917 and renamed it the Redwood City School of Aviation. Bryant sold the flight school and grounds to Walter Varney, a World War I flying ace, in 1920. Varney founded the United Aircraft and Transportation Co., which eventually became United Airlines. The airport existed until the early 1930's, when the land was subdivided and sold for commercial use. Redwood City Airport was located near what is now Chestnut Street, between Veterans Blvd. and Broadway.
Photo Date:   1915
  Redwood City Public Library


Airports -- Redwood City, CA

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